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The Academy



Explore the wide variety of programs we offer designed to support our students, familes,  and staff.


What Makes Us Great

Our focus is to provide high school students, especially those underrepresented in higher education, with the opportunity to earn college credits while completing their high school diplomas. 

Our Mission

The Academy Mission Statement:

To inspire and enable our students to earn a high school diploma, while guiding them toward a pathway to success.

A red paw print with the letters 'OLF PACK' inside, with the text 'No Exceptions. No Excuses. No Shortcuts. Let's finish together!' below.

School Info

  • The Academy is a Simon Youth Foundation alternative high school of the Charlotte County Public School system.  The Academy is the place for a “second chance,” so it is important to note that The Academy is a school of choice and students are chosen through an interview process to earn a seat in this unique learning environment.

    With smaller class sizes and a flexible schedule, The Academy offers a multitude of academic opportunities that include our Pathways program.

    Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Pathway resources made available at The Academy as they plan their future.

    · Field trips and on campus counseling can help  students enter college

    · Job shadowing at a technical school

    · Connect with a recruiter to join the military

    · Assistance with job applications to join the workplace

    The ultimate goal for each student is to complete all the requirements to earn a diploma and have a plan after high school. We have the faculty and staff dedicated to help every student accomplish their goal.

  • Our PASS program is an innovative answer for students who may have fallen behind in middle school.  This one-year program is designed to build skills and accelerate learning in order to enter high school on grade level.  Entrance to the PASS program is only through your geographical school’s social worker.  Online applications are not accepted.

  • The Academy houses 2 alternative programs where enrollment is based on the SERT (Suspensions Expulsion Review Team) decisions.

    SEA Program (Suspension Expulsion Alternative Program)

    • This program provides a structured environment that assists students with behavioral issues which may be cause for suspension or expulsion. The alternative program provides daily academic instruction along with Florida Resiliency Education, counseling, and behavior modification. This program also assists students to transition back into the classroom.

    AAP Program (Afternoon Alternative Program)

    • This is a highly structured temporary educational placement for students who have been placed by the Suspension Expulsion Review Team in lieu of expulsion. This program operates after the school day utilizing one of The Academy’s



Upcoming Events

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